
As long as I can remember, urine color was only explained in connection with the amount of drinking. Naturally, urine becomes lighter when one deliberately drinks more. But what happens when one only drinks when thirsty? In this case, I have always observed that on days when I drank significantly more due to thirst, I also always had darker urine.

At first, I could not explain this. However, it clearly showed that urine color is not directly related to the amount of liquid.

Certainly, everyone knows the fact that urine is always darkest in the morning.

Unfortunately, this is not normal, even if medicine considers it to be normal.

My wife and I both have almost colorless urine throughout the day, even in the morning, regardless of the amount of liquid consumed or food eaten. The only thing necessary was to stay away from air pollutants all day. In our case, this means that we use special industrial filters in both our house and our motorhome, which reduce the concentration of outdoor air pollutants and direct this filtered air permanently into our house and our motorhome.

Therefore, the color of urine is significantly dependent on air pollutants and is only slightly influenced by the amount of liquid.

According to our observations, increased air pollutants can lead to more thirst and darker urine. Moreover, this can also lead to increased sweating.

The effect of air pollutants on urine occurs almost immediately. So, if one is in a room without pollutants, the urine will be clear by the next bathroom visit at the latest.

Another effect we have observed is that when switching from poor to very good air, one almost immediately needs to go to the toilet. It is not yet completely clear to us why this is. However, we have observed this effect in dozens of people. One of the most striking examples was the drive on a highway when my wife and I almost had to urinate at the same time, and no more than 500 meters ahead, there was a car on the shoulder with hazard lights because the driver could not hold it until the next rest stop.

It does not matter whether one has just emptied the bladder or not. This effect may occur more strongly in women than in men.

Bowel Movements

Similar to how transitioning from poor to good air quality can induce the urge to urinate, we have observed that moving from good to poor air quality can lead to flatulence and diarrhea.

While we have always attributed flatulence to diet, our observations have shown that it is more closely related to air pollutants than expected. See this in relation to ​​.Mangen-Darm Probleme durch schlechte Luft